Source code for

# Python
# This module implements a text class that allows to modify and create text on Markdown files.
# This file is part of mdutils.
# MIT License: (C) 2020 Dídac Coll

[docs]class Html:
[docs] @staticmethod def paragraph(text: str, align: str = None) -> str: """ :param text: :param align: ``center`` or ``right``. :type align: str :return: ``"<p align=\"{}\">\\n {}\\n</p>".format(align, text)``. :rtype: str """ if align is None: return "<p>\n {}\n</p>".format(text) if align is not None: if align not in ["left", "center", "right"]: raise KeyError return '<p align="{}">\n {}\n</p>'.format(align, text)
[docs] @classmethod def image(cls, path: str, size: str = None, align: str = None) -> str: """ :param path: :type path: str :param size: (In px) for width write ``'<int>'``, for height write ``'x<int>'`` or \ width and height ``'<int>x<int>``. :type size: str :param align: can be ``'left'``, ``'center'`` or ``'right'``. :type align: str :return: html format :rtype: str :Example: >>> Html.image(path='../image.jpg', size='200', align='center') >>> Html.image(path='../image.jpg', size='x200', align='left') >>> Html.image(path='../image.jpg', size='300x400') """ if align: return cls.paragraph( text=cls.__html_image(path=path, size=size), align=align ) return cls.__html_image(path=path, size=size)
@classmethod def __html_image(cls, path: str, size: str = None): if size: return '<img src="{}" {}/>'.format( path, HtmlSize.size_to_width_and_height(size=size) ) return '<img src="{}" />'.format(path)
[docs]class HtmlSize:
[docs] @classmethod def size_to_width_and_height(cls, size: str) -> str: size = cls.__pre_process_size(size=size) if size.isdigit(): return cls.__get_width(size=size) if size.startswith("x"): height = size[1:] if height.isdigit(): return cls.__get_height(size=height) raise SizeBadFormat(size) width_height = size.split("x") if len(width_height) == 2: if width_height[0].isdigit() and width_height[1].isdigit(): return "{} {}".format( cls.__get_width(width_height[0]), cls.__get_height(width_height[1]) ) raise SizeBadFormat(size)
@classmethod def __pre_process_size(cls, size: str) -> str: no_spaces = size.replace(" ", "") return no_spaces.lower() @classmethod def __get_width(cls, size: str) -> str: return 'width="{}"'.format(int(size)) @classmethod def __get_height(cls, size: str): return 'height="{}"'.format(int(size))
[docs]class SizeBadFormat(Exception): """Raise exception when size does not match the expected format""" def __init__(self, message): Exception.__init__( self, "Unexpected format: {}. Expected: '<int>', 'x<int>' or '<int>x<int>'".format( message ), ) pass