Source code for

# Python
# This module implements a text class that allows to modify and create text on Markdown files.
# This file is part of mdutils.
# MIT License: (C) 2020 Dídac Coll
from typing import Optional, Union, Iterable, List

[docs]class Table: def __init__(self): self.rows = 0 self.columns = 0 @staticmethod def _align(columns: int, text_align: Optional[Union[str, Iterable]] = None) -> str: """This private method it's in charge of aligning text of a table. - notes: more information about `text_align` :param columns: it is the number of columns. :param text_align: it is a string giving information about the alignment that is wanted. text_align can take the following parameters: ``'center'``, ``'right'`` and ``'left'``. :return: returns a string of type ``'| :---: | :---: | :---: |'``. :type columns: int :type text_align: str :rtype: str .. note: """ column_align_string = "" ta2pat = { # text_align to pattern translator "center": " :---: |", "left": " :--- |", "right": " ---: |", None: " --- |", } if type(text_align) == str: text_align = [text_align.lower()] * columns elif text_align is None: text_align = [None] * columns else: text_align = list(text_align)[ :columns ] # make a local redimensionnable copy if len(text_align) < columns: text_align += [None] * (columns - len(text_align)) column_align_string = "|" for i, ta in enumerate(text_align): if ta is not None: ta = ta.lower() if ta not in ta2pat: raise ValueError( f"text_align's expected value: 'right', 'center', 'left' or None , but in column {i+1} text_align = '{ta}'" ) column_align_string += ta2pat[ta] return column_align_string
[docs] def create_table( self, columns: int, rows: int, text: List[str], text_align: Optional[Union[str, list]] = None, ): """This method takes a list of strings and creates a table. Using arguments ``columns`` and ``rows`` allows to create a table of *n* columns and *m* rows. The ``columns * rows`` operations has to correspond to the number of elements of ``text`` list argument. :param int columns: number of columns of the table. :param int rows: number of rows of the table. :param text: a list of strings. :type text: list of str :param str_or_list text_align: text align argument. Values available are: ``'right'``, ``'center'``, ``'left'`` and ``None`` (default). If text_align is a list then individual alignment can be set for each column. :return: a markdown table. :rtype: str :Example: >>> from import Table >>> text_list = ['List of Items', 'Description', 'Result', 'Item 1', 'Description of item 1', '10', 'Item 2', 'Description of item 2', '0'] >>> table = Table().create_table(columns=3, rows=3, text=text_list, text_align='center') >>> print(repr(table)) '\\n|List of Items|Description|Result|\\n| :---: | :---: | :---: |\\n|Item 1|Description of item 1|10|\\n|Item 2|Description of item 2|0|\\n' .. csv-table:: **Table result on Markdown** :header: "List of Items", "Description", "Results" "Item 1", "Description of Item 1", 10 "Item 2", "Description of Item 2", 0 """ self.columns = columns self.rows = rows table = "\n" column_align_string = self._align(columns, text_align) index = 0 if columns * rows == len(text): for row in range(rows + 1): if row == 1: table += column_align_string # Row align, Example: '| :---: | :---: | ... | \n' else: table += "|" for _ in range(columns): table += str(text[index]).replace("|", r"\|") + "|" index += 1 table += "\n" return table else: raise ValueError("columns * rows is not equal to text length")
if __name__ == "__main__": import doctest doctest.testmod()